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Student Spotlights!

Throughout the semester, we are going to post about students in our program in the form of student spotlights! Each post will include information about the student’s interests and line of research. Posts will include links to more information such as publications, presentations, posters, blog posts, and other research materials. If you are interested in […]

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Dr. Jay Verkuilen Presenting at SLHS Colloquium Sept. 23rd

Dr. Jay Verkuilen will be presenting at the Graduate Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences Colloquium on September 23rd at 2:45-4pm on Graphical Data Analysis for Reaction Times. He will discuss some of the work he has been conducting with PhD Candidate Maya Rose on adapting graphical tools when analyzing reaction time data in the pre-modeling stages. […]

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Jessica Brodsky (left) with pilot advisor Dr. Patricia Brooks (right)

Jessica Brodsky defends her pilot presentation!

Congrats to Jessica Brodsky who successfully defended her pilot project titled “Improving College Students’ Fact-Checking Strategies through Lateral Reading Instruction in a General Education Civics Course.” Abstract: College students lack fact-checking skills for verifying online content, which may lead them to accept information at face-value. We report findings from an institution participating in the Digital Polarization […]

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Milushka Elbulok-Charcape defends her dissertation proposal via WebEx

Milushka Elbulok-Charcape defends her proposal and publishes an article as first author

Milushka Elbulok-Charcape successfully defended her dissertation proposal titled “An Assessment of Undergraduate Students’ Research Literacy” via WebEx. Her work on valid and reliable assessments of research literacy is critical given the lack of attention towards research literacy in the social sciences. Milushka also recently published an article titled “Reducing Stigma Surrounding Mental Health: Diverse Undergraduate […]

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Online Teaching Resources

As those have you who are teaching this semester have moved all of your classes to online instruction, we wanted to provide you with some resources to support moving your class(es) to distant learning while also prioritizing your pedagogical values. Here are some resources: First, you are not alone: At this point, almost 1000 instructors […]

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Dr. Alison Puliatte

My Life after the Graduate Center, CUNY: Experiences of an Educational Psychology Alumna

Below is a post written by Alison Puliatte, Ph.D. Dr. Puliatte is an Assistant Professor in Childhood Education at SUNY Plattsburgh. She earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Learning, Development and Instruction from the CUNY Graduate Center.  I completed my degree in Educational Psychology specializing in Learning, Development, and Instruction at […]

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Jennifer Case McKee with her dissertation committee. From left: Dr. David Rindskopf, Dr. Keith Markus, and Dr. Jennifer Case McKee

Jennifer Case McKee Successfully Defends her Dissertation!

On November 18th, Dr. Jennifer Case McKee successfully defended her dissertation on “Identifying Construct-Irrelevant Variance and Construct Under-Representations as Support of External Evidence of Validity.” Dissertation Abstract: Test validity has commonly been defined in terms of a test measuring what it is supposed to measure, however there has been a century of discussion and debate […]

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Dr. Wei Wang, Associate Professor of Psychology- Graduate Center, CUNY

Fall Colloquium: “Advancing Psychological Research Through Innovative Methods Social Network and Text Analyses” with Dr. Wei Wang

Location: Graduate Center, CUNY. Room: C201 December 4th, 2PM-4PM | Fall 2019 Colloquium with Dr. Wei Wang   The advancement of psychological research necessitates methodological innovations––in terms of both data analysis and collection. Indeed, the history of psychology has repeatedly witnessed how such innovations (e.g., hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling for data analysis; computer-based […]

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Alexandra Adair at her dissertation defense

Alexandra Adair Successfully Defends her Dissertation!

  On November 7th, Dr. Alexandra Adair successfully defended her dissertation on “Measuring Preschool Parents’ Attitudes Towards Science: Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a Parent Version of the Dimension of Attitudes Towards Science Instrument.”   Dissertation Abstract: Presently, no measure or theoretical framework exists for preschool parents’ attitudes towards science. The purpose of this study […]

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Volunteer and research opportunity at 5 Steps to Five

Volunteer and research opportunity at 5 Steps to Five

5 Steps to Five is a parenting program coaching parents and their infants in groups with trained facilitators, who model ways of interacting with the babies to build cognitive, verbal, emotional and social skills.  The goal: prepare these children for school, using the five steps – Nurture, Talk, Play, Read, Explore.  Parents learn the importance of being […]

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