5 Steps to Five is a parenting program coaching parents and their infants in groups with trained facilitators, who model ways of interacting with the babies to build cognitive, verbal, emotional and social skills. The goal: prepare these children for school, using the five steps – Nurture, Talk, Play, Read, Explore. Parents learn the importance of being the child’s first and most important teachers – beginning at birth. The goal is to optimize brain development during a child’s first 5 years of life.
There are currently opportunities for Educational Psych Students to collect data and help this organization develop and evaluate their program and curriculum. The program is open to GC students coming in and helping with program development and collecting data. It is a great opportunity for students to conduct research!
To learn more, visit: https://www.5stepstofive.org/about-us#
If you are interested, contact Lisa Field (Program director) at lpfield@5stepstofive.org or Sasha Blackwell at sashacollinsblackwell@gmail.com.
Sasha Collins Blackwell, Ph.D., NCSP is a graduate of the Ph.D. Program in Educaitonal Psychology (specialization in school psychology) and is a licensed psychologist in New York and Connectituct and a Nationally Cerified School Psychology. She completed her doctorate at the Graduate Center in 2010. She went on to do post-doctoral work at Adelphi University and now is in private practice in Rye, She specializes in early childhood mental health and positive behavior support. NY. She also contracts with Westchester County Department of Health.
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