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Dr. Jay Verkuilen Presenting at SLHS Colloquium Sept. 23rd

Dr. Jay Verkuilen will be presenting at the Graduate Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences Colloquium on September 23rd at 2:45-4pm on Graphical Data Analysis for Reaction Times. He will discuss some of the work he has been conducting with PhD Candidate Maya Rose on adapting graphical tools when analyzing reaction time data in the pre-modeling stages. Register for one, or all, Colloquia Here. See other colloquium dates below.


Graduate Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences

City University of New York

Colloquium Dates Fall 2020

Talks are to be held via Zoom on Wednesdays, 2:45-4:00 p.m.

16 Sept: Talita Fortunato-Tavares (Lehman College) How do Children with Different Communication Disorders Determine the Structure and Meaning of Sentences?

23 Sept: Jay Verkuilen (CUNY Graduate Center) Graphical Data Analysis for Reaction Times

28 Oct: Jonet Artis (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) Infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder: Language development patterns and caregiver coaching strategies

11 Nov: Marie Huffman (SUNY at StonyBrook) Category creep in second language vowel and VOT production.

18 Nov: Martin Ruck (CUNY Graduate Center) A Discussion: Making Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Essential Academic Values

02 Dec: Megan Gross (University of Massachusetts- Amherst) Language Control and Code-switching in Bilingual Children with Different Language Abilities


  1. Adapting Research Amidst COVID-19: Reflections and Tips | Educational Psychology CUNY Hub - October 14, 2020

    […] research projects involve working on large secondary datasets. For example, Dr. Jay Verkuilen and I recently presented some of our work involving graphical analysis approaches to reaction time […]

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