Educational Psychology PhD student Fedor Marchenko was awarded the Pufall Travel Award for the best proposal submission from the Jean Piaget Society in 2023.
Archive | Student Spotlights

Student Spotlight: Aleksandra Kazakova
The following post is part of our Student Spotlight Initiative Aleksandra Kazakova is a Phd Candidate in the Quantitative Methods in Educational and Psychological Research Specialization. Recently, Aleksandra presented a poster at the 2021 Conference on Statistical Practice titled, “An application of Structural Equation Modeling in the analysis of ordered categorical factors indicating the relationship […]

Student Spotlight: Yeshan Qian
The following post is part of our Student Spotlight initiative My name is Yeshan Qian. I am currently a first year Ph.D. student in the Learning, Development, and Instruction specialization. Here are some of my updates and progress: I have been doing research under Dr. Colette Daiute’s guidance, on heritage language learners among Chinese immigrant […]

Student Spotlights!
Throughout the semester, we are going to post about students in our program in the form of student spotlights! Each post will include information about the student’s interests and line of research. Posts will include links to more information such as publications, presentations, posters, blog posts, and other research materials. If you are interested in […]