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Archive | Alumni News
Volunteer and research opportunity at 5 Steps to Five
By Maya Rose on November 1, 2019 in Accomplishments, Alumni News, News and Research Highlights, Scholarly Accomplishments, Uncategorized
5 Steps to Five is a parenting program coaching parents and their infants in groups with trained facilitators, who model ways of interacting with the babies to build cognitive, verbal, emotional and social skills. The goal: prepare these children for school, using the five steps – Nurture, Talk, Play, Read, Explore. Parents learn the importance of being […]
By Maya Rose on September 13, 2019 in Accomplishments, Alumni News, News and Research Highlights, Scholarly Accomplishments, Uncategorized
Emilio, who is now in his 40s, still has the letter that he sent to his parents in 1991, letting them know that he was gay and HIV-positive. Wilson, in his late 70s, recalls admitting to his mother that he was a homosexual after she asked him, “Are you a sissy?” Reid, in his late […]