Students, alumna, and faculty presented research at the 93rd Eastern Psychological Conference (EPA) in New York City on March 5, 2022. The Educational Psychology department had a great showing! See pictures below along with the titles and abstracts of the papers that were presented by Ed Psych students.

Metalinguistic awareness of college students at early stages of foreign language learning
Authors: Maya C. Rose (College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, CUNY), Angela Cortez, Arshia K. Lodhi (College of Staten Island, CUNY), Patricia J. Brooks (College of Staten Island And The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Abstract: Foreign language learning depends on the ability to notice patterns. Undergraduates (N = 157) were tested on comprehension of Turkish nouns inflected for case and number after completing a computer-assisted language-learning protocol. We assessed language-learning aptitude using the Culture Fair test and metalinguistic awareness through an exit questionnaire. Awareness correlated with aptitude (r = .40) and comprehension (r = .70). Analyses indicated that the effect of aptitude on comprehension was indirect and mediated by awareness.
Is predictive processing impaired in developmental language disorder? A meta-analysis
Authors: Gavkhar Abdurokhmonova (New York State Psychiatric Institute), Nicole M. Zapparrata, C. Donnan Gravelle, Patricia J. Brooks (The College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Abstract: The hypothesis that Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is associated with impairment in anticipatory predictive processing was explored through a meta-analysis of lexical priming studies. Comparison of DLD and age-matched neurotypical groups in 11 studies (k) with 24 effects (m) indicated smaller priming effects in DLD groups, g = 0.17, p = .02, 95% CI 0.03; 0.30). To confirm findings, future work should expand study selection criteria to include additional measures of predictive processing.
Do personality traits align with graduate students’ teaching approaches and practices?
Authors: Elizabeth S. Che (College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, City University of New York), Anna M. Schwartz (Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University), Ronald C. Whiteman (Baruch College, City University of New York), Ethlyn S. Saltzman (The Graduate Center, City University of New York), Patricia J. Brooks (College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Abstract: An online survey of graduate students employed as college instructors (N=109) explored how teaching approaches and practices (e.g., active learning) varied as a function of experience, professional development, and Big Five personality traits. Regression models indicated associations between personality traits (especially openness and conscientiousness) and approaches/practices after controlling for experience and professional development. Results suggest that personality may play a larger role in how graduate students go about teaching than previously recognized.
Online instruction improves college students’ fact-checking skills across political identities
Authors: Jessica E. Brodsky, Patricia J. Brooks (The Graduate Center and The College of Staten Island, CUNY), Catherine Messina (Teachers College, Columbia University), Donna Scimeca, Peter Galati (The College of Staten Island, CUNY), Michael Caulfield (University of Washington)
Abstract: Undergraduates (N = 221) learned to fact-check online information using lateral reading (i.e., leaving content to research sources and check claims). Students showed gains in identifying lateral reading strategies as the best ways to fact-check information and in their use of lateral reading. Identifying and using lateral reading strategies were only modestly related, but both did not vary by political identity. Findings suggest that political identities do not pose a barrier to improving fact-checking skills.
Is manual dexterity associated with individual differences in theory of mind?
Authors: Rita Obeid (Case Western Reserve University), Danielle Denigris (Fairleigh Dickinson University), Patricia Brooks (The College of Staten Island and
The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Abstract: Building on research suggesting links between motor and language abilities, we examined whether manual dexterity might correlate with individual differences in theory of mind. Children (N= 62, M age= 8 years, 2 months) completed the pegboard task, the attribution of intentions task, and measures of working memory and language ability. Manual dexterity predicted unique variance in theory of mind after controlling for other variables. Potential impact of poor motor skills on social development are discussed.
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