PhD student Nicole Zapparrata, Professor Patricia Brooks, and Alumna Dr. Teresa Ober will present at the Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) during Poster Session 2 on Friday November 5th (12:30 – 2:00pm). Their poster is titled “Is Developmental Language Disorder associated with slower processing speed across domains?”
Big congrats to the authors as they received the Paula Menyuk Award for their work! A description of this award can be found here. The abstract and the poster can be found below.
Poster Abstract: Processing speed has been linked to various linguistic abilities, including articulation, lexical access, vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension, suggesting it might serve as a global indicator of individual differences in language abilities. This meta-analysis (k = 45; m = 140) used Robust Variance Estimation (RVE) to evaluate whether slower processing speed is associated with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), as indicated by simplistic reaction time (RT) measures. Moderators included stimuli type (linguistic/non-linguistic), stimuli modality (auditory/non-auditory), and response modality (verbal/nonverbal). The overall effect indicated slower processing speed in DLD groups (g = .47, p < .001, CI = .38; .56) relative to age-matched peers. Simplistic nonverbal/non-linguistic RT-based measures may potentially serve as a clinical marker for diagnosing DLD and are adaptable to various and diverse linguistic profiles. These findings have implications for how we assess, diagnose, and treat DLD.
199_Poster16-2BUCLD is entirely virtual this year. Students can register for FREE for BUCLD which includes entrance to all talks, sessions, events, and publishers’ exhibits. Register by clicking here to view their poster and many others! Check out the full schedule of events here.
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