Location: Graduate Center, CUNY. Room: C201
December 4th, 2PM-4PM | Fall 2019 Colloquium with Dr. Wei Wang

Dr. Wei Wang, Associate Professor of Psychology- Graduate Center, CUNY
The advancement of psychological research necessitates methodological innovations––in terms of both data analysis and collection. Indeed, the history of psychology has repeatedly witnessed how such innovations (e.g., hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling for data analysis; computer-based reaction time, EEG, fMRI for data collection) tremendously influenced psychological research. With five studies, this colloquium will demonstrate the applications of social network analysis and big data text analytical techniques in psychology. Study 1 will first examine the statistical power of network autocorrelation models, Studies 2 and 3 apply the network techniques in organizational psychology to demonstrate the incremental validity of social network contagion can go beyond the classic satisfaction-intention-turnover model. Lastly, Study 4 utilizes text mining to assess the U.S. national trends in stress and happiness by analyzing 2.2 billion Tweets across 18 months; and Study 5 further applies the text analysis techniques in personnel psychology to show the its potential in measuring individual differences for incremental validity over personality.
To learn more about Dr. Wei Wang and the Computation Psychology Laboratory at the Graduate Center, CUNY, click here.
For a PDF version of the announcement, click here.
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